Nobody Loves a Neglected Blog!
Posted by Emma
Hmmmm no they don't!
Maybe life has gotten in the way a wee bit lately for writing blog posts, but we shall endeavour to fix that... I think that as more starts happening with the house the updates will be more forthcoming. Two months and there should be plenty to write about :D
As for a life update from us, we've been to Adelaide for the national band championships over Easter. Lots of Daddy and Kiddy park time whilst I was playing then a lovely family day at the Zoo on ANZAC day before heading home.
It's now less than 100 days until our EDD for baby #3, but in reality it will probably be at least a week more than that until he/she makes their big entrance... 41 weeks seems to be the normal baby cooking time around here! Having 2 small children already there isn't all that much to do in preparation for the arrival... we need to tidy out a corner of our bedroom for baby's things and I'd like to do a bit more general decluttering around the house and cook ahead some meals that we can eat in the early days but otherwise, we're pretty good.
The children delight, surprise and frustrate us every day :) It's amazing the buttons a 3.5 year old can push... lots that yo u didn't realise you had. Her questioning and logic skills are amazing though, she asks some fantastic questions and draws some brilliant conclusions on her own. We are doing our very best to encourage and nurture this natural inquisitiveness but bedtime isn't the right time to be asking brilliant questions!
I'm also plugging away at my business, have had a few sales in the last fortnight so am desperately hoping that things will pick up from here, that would be great as we've invested quite a bit of money and many hours so far into setting up. Obviously there are still so many things that need to be done but all baby steps.
The last thing I've been doing is knitting... I've rediscovered knitting over the last few months and have actually COMPLETED over 20 items... yes ok, they were all for children but still, that's a record for me. It means I've been spending less time on the computer and more time creating which is good for me :) Knitting is definitely a separate, picture heavy post though, so watch out for a knitting post from me in the coming days.
Anyhow.... *waves, we are still here!!! :D
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May 21, 2011
Actually, I'm new here. I found your blog through you post on dad's perspective on cloth nappies. I've been trying to put a post together cloth nappies when you can't agree with your partner, but not getting very far with it, so I thought I'd hit google for inspiration.
20 items! That's very impressive. I like knitting to a point, but by the end of each project I've had enough of it. Then I take a long break to recover.